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About NCLF

About NCLF

"I actually ended up finding the constructive engagement with people I disagree with to be actually reason enough, in and of itself, for doing it. It was really, really powerful and I found that to be a whole purpose, just learning to talk with people that I don’t agree with about things."

-Alumni, NCLF 2019 Education Cohort

NCLF brings together a distinguished bi-partisan group of North Carolina leaders to discuss major issues facing our state, to understand different points of view about how to address those issues, and to discuss solutions that improve the lives of North Carolinians. Our goal is to facilitate substantive and meaningful dialogue among people positioned to help shape the future.

Read more about NCLF

How to Overcome Partisan Political Divides this Thanksgiving Season

November 2021

Bridging Divides through Bipartisan dialogue

March 11, 2020

To Improve Our Politics, Start with Leaders

August 3 , 2018

So a Liberal and Conservative Walk into a Bar...

June 4, 2016