June 15 | Chatham County
Meeting Schedule - June 15 (79°West Innovation Hub )
- 9:15am - Arrival & Sign up for Action Planning
- 9:30am - Welcome & Presentation
- 9:45am - Bus Leaves for Tour
- 10:50am - Bus Returns
- 11:05pm - Regroup & Debrief Tour
- 11:20pm -Discuss actions where there is disagreement
- 12:15pm - Group Photo & Lunch
- 1:00pm - Discuss actions where there is disagreement, continued
- 1:45pm - Break
- 2:00pm - Discuss actions where this is agreement – Action Planning
- 3:00pm - What have you learned?
- 3:40pm - Feedback for NCLF
- 4:00pm - Closing & Graduation Ceremony & Reception
- 5:00pm - Adjourn
May 18 | Harnett County - Lillington NC
Meeting Schedule - May 18 (Harnett County Main Library )
- 9:00am - Welcome and Recap
- 9:30am - Benefits and Downsides of “Households, especially workforce households, cannot afford adequate housing” Prioritization
- 11:00am - Break
- 11:15am - Benefits and Downsides of “It is difficult for homeowners to retain housing”
- 12:15pm - Lunch
- 1:25pm -Benefits and Downsides of “It is difficult for homeowners to retain housing,” continued
- 2:30pm - Break
- 2:45pm - Benefits and Downsides of “Region lacks the infrastructure necessary to support rapid growth and development”
- 4:30pm - Benefits and Downsides of “Region lacks collective capacity to address the problem”
- 5:00pm - Wrap-up
- 5:15-6:00pm - Reception on site
April 11 - 12 | Wake County - Cary
Meeting Schedule - April 11 (Page-Walker Arts & History Center)
- 11:30am - Arrive & Check-in | Lunch
- 12:00pm - Welcome to Wake County & Opening
- 12:45pm - Values Prioritization
- 1:45pm - Concerns Revisited: Recap and narrow selection for discussion.
- 2:30pm - Break
- 2:45pm - Develop Actions to Address Concern 1
- 3:45pm - Develop Actions to Address Concern 2
- 4:45pm - Break
- 4:50pm - Presentation on Town of Cary’s Housing Plan
- 5:30pm - Walk or take bus to The Mayton for reception and dinner
- 5:30pm - Reception
- 6:15pm - Dinner & Fireside Chat with Mitchell Silver – Principal, Urban Planning, McAdams
- 7:45pm - Bus to return guests to Page-Walker. Social time at local bar tbd encouraged. Adjourn at your leisure.
Meeting Schedule - April 12 (North Hills The Eastern Residences & Page-Walker Arts & History Center)
- 8:30am - Arrive at North Hills The Eastern Residences
- 9:00am - North Hills Tour and Presentation with Kane Realty’s Bonner Gaylord, Chief Operations Officer, and Josie Reeves, Director of Design
- 10:30am - Return to Page-Walker Art & History Center in Cary
- 11:00am - Debrief
- 11:20am - Develop Actions to Address Concern 3
- 12:20pm - Lunch
- 12:50pm - Develop Actions to Address Concern 4
- 1:50pm - Closing & Housekeeping
- 2:15pm - Adjourn
March 23 | Johnson County - Smithfield
Meeting Schedule - March 23 (Johnston County Agricultrual Center)
- 9:00am - Arrival and Check-in
- 9:30am - Welcome: Overview & Ground Rules
- 10:00am - "Who is in the Room?"
- 12:30pm - Lunch & Panel Discussion
- 1:35pm - Concerns: When you think about access to housing in the Triangle Region, what concerns do you, or others you have spoken with, have?
- 2:30pm - Break
- 2:45pm - Underlying Values: What is important or valuable to you when you think about housing in the Cape Fear region?
- 3:45pm - Data Presentation
- 4:30pm - Closing
- 5:00pm - Reception & Adjourn