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Triangle Meetings

Triangle Meetings

June 15 | Chatham County


The program on June 15 will take place at the The 79°West Innovation Hub ( 120 Mosaic Blvd., Suite 120, Pittsboro, NC 27312 GPS LINK ).


Complimentary self parking is located at the park. 

Meeting Schedule - June 15 (79°West Innovation Hub )

  • 9:15am - Arrival & Sign up for Action Planning
  • 9:30am - Welcome & Presentation
  • 9:45am - Bus Leaves for Tour
  • 10:50am - Bus Returns
  • 11:05pm - Regroup & Debrief Tour
  • 11:20pm -Discuss actions where there is disagreement
  • 12:15pm - Group Photo & Lunch
  • 1:00pm - Discuss actions where there is disagreement, continued
  • 1:45pm - Break
  • 2:00pm - Discuss actions where this is agreement – Action Planning
  • 3:00pm - What have you learned?
  • 3:40pm - Feedback for NCLF
  • 4:00pm - Closing & Graduation Ceremony & Reception
  • 5:00pm - Adjourn

May 18 | Harnett County - Lillington NC


The program on May 18 will take place at the Harnett County Main Library ( 455 McKinney Pkwy, Lillington, NC 27546 ). The Library is nestled between the courthouse and health services department. Look for 3 flag poles.

Phone – 910-893-3446


Due to the hotel's limited availability, please let Amber Rogers ( or 860-517-9248 ) know if you will need lodging no later than Friday, May 5th.


Complimentary parking is located at the library, county courthouse, and health services department. (see map). 

Meeting Schedule - May 18 (Harnett County Main Library )

  • 9:00am - Welcome and Recap
  • 9:30am - Benefits and Downsides of “Households, especially workforce households, cannot afford adequate housing” Prioritization
  • 11:00am - Break
  • 11:15am - Benefits and Downsides of “It is difficult for homeowners to retain housing”
  • 12:15pm - Lunch
  • 1:25pm -Benefits and Downsides of “It is difficult for homeowners to retain housing,” continued
  • 2:30pm - Break
  • 2:45pm - Benefits and Downsides of “Region lacks the infrastructure necessary to support rapid growth and development”
  • 4:30pm - Benefits and Downsides of “Region lacks collective capacity to address the problem”
  • 5:00pm - Wrap-up
  • 5:15-6:00pm - Reception on site

April 11 - 12 | Wake County - Cary


The program on April 11 - 12 will take place at the Page-Walker Arts & History Center (119 Ambassador Loop, Cary, NC 27513 ).


 If you prefer not to commute and would like hotel accommodations for the night of April 11th, NCLF is happy to provide a room. Please contact Amber Rogers by April 1st. Email: Phone: 860-517-9248


Parking for the Page-Walker Arts & History Center is located in front of the building(see map). 

April 12th - Our morning meeting is on the 36th floor of The Eastern Residences, located at 4204 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC 27609, USA

Parking is available at:
The Advanced Auto Parts Tower parking deck across from The Eastern Residences. The 7th, 8th, and 9th floors will have the most parking available. Upon arrival to North Hills from Six Forks Road, you will turn onto Front Street, located in between the Captrust Tower and The Eastern Residences. Take an immediate right onto Plaza @ North Hills Street. Available parking is located in the parking deck immediately on the right. The entrance to our parking deck is located in between Cucciolo Terrazza and Woodhouse Spa.

Take the elevator down to the lobby of the Advance Auto Parts Tower and walk up to the hill to The Eastern Residences. Look for the large “Now Leasing” graphic on the front window. You won’t miss it! Staff will be available to open the doors to the building, as it is not open to the public until 10am. Take the elevator to the 36th floor, where a light breakfast and a brief presentation will take place. The presentation should take about 30 minutes after which we will be lead on a walking tour of the development.

Meeting Schedule - April 11 (Page-Walker Arts & History Center)

  • 11:30am - Arrive & Check-in | Lunch
  • 12:00pm - Welcome to Wake County & Opening
  • 12:45pm - Values Prioritization
  • 1:45pm - Concerns Revisited: Recap and narrow selection for discussion.
  • 2:30pm - Break
  • 2:45pm - Develop Actions to Address Concern 1
  • 3:45pm - Develop Actions to Address Concern 2
  • 4:45pm - Break
  • 4:50pm - Presentation on Town of Cary’s Housing Plan
  • 5:30pm - Walk or take bus to The Mayton for reception and dinner
  • 5:30pm - Reception
  • 6:15pm - Dinner & Fireside Chat with Mitchell Silver – Principal, Urban Planning, McAdams
  • 7:45pm - Bus to return guests to Page-Walker. Social time at local bar tbd encouraged. Adjourn at your leisure.

Meeting Schedule - April 12 (North Hills The Eastern Residences & Page-Walker Arts & History Center)

  • 8:30am - Arrive at North Hills The Eastern Residences
  • 9:00am - North Hills Tour and Presentation with Kane Realty’s Bonner Gaylord, Chief Operations Officer, and Josie Reeves, Director of Design
  • 10:30am - Return to Page-Walker Art & History Center in Cary
  • 11:00am - Debrief
  • 11:20am - Develop Actions to Address Concern 3
  • 12:20pm - Lunch
  • 12:50pm - Develop Actions to Address Concern 4
  • 1:50pm - Closing & Housekeeping
  • 2:15pm - Adjourn

March 23 | Johnson County - Smithfield


The program on March 23 will take place at the Johnston County Agricultural Center (2736 NC Highway 210 Smithfield, NC 27577).


Parking for the Johnston County Agricultural Center is located in the  larger parking lot on the west side of the building(see map). Please see handicapped parking information here.

Meeting Schedule - March 23 (Johnston County Agricultrual Center)

  • 9:00am - Arrival and Check-in
  • 9:30am - Welcome: Overview & Ground Rules
  • 10:00am - "Who is in the Room?"
  • 12:30pm - Lunch & Panel Discussion
  • 1:35pm - Concerns: When you think about access to housing in the Triangle Region, what concerns do you, or others you have spoken with, have?
  • 2:30pm - Break
  • 2:45pm - Underlying Values: What is important or valuable to you when you think about housing in the Cape Fear region?
  • 3:45pm - Data Presentation
  • 4:30pm - Closing
  • 5:00pm - Reception & Adjourn